84, Los Angeles, 6 juli 2019, doodsoorzaak onbekend.
Amerikaans bijrolacteur, voluit Arthur Edward Jones. Veel theater, filmdebuut in Bloodbrothers (Robert Mulligan, 1978).
Ook in The First Deadly Sin (Brian G. Hutton, 1980), Prince of the City (Sidney Lumet, 1981), Q (Larry Cohen, 1982), Trading Places (John Landis, 1983), C.H.U.D. (Douglas Cheek, 1984), The New Kids (Sean S. Cunningham, 1985), Year of the Dragon (Michael Cimino, 1985), Invasion U.S.A. (Joseph Zito, 1985), The Believers (John Schlesinger, 1987), Stanley & Iris (Martin Ritt, 1990), Cadillac Man (Roger Donaldson, 1990), The Grifters (Stephen Frears, 1990), The Rocketeer (Joe Johnston, 1991), A League of Their Own (Penny Marshall, 1992), Sneakers (Phil Alden Robinson, 1992), The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom (Michael Ritchie, 1993), Return to Me (Bonnie Hunt, 2000), The Singing Detective (Keith Gordon, 2003), Seabiscuit (Gary Ross, 2003), The Terminal (Steven Spielberg, 2004), Fighting Tommy Riley (top-billed; Eddie O’Flaherty, 2004), Mercy (Peter Cornwell, 2014).