Lisa Banes

65, New York City, 14 juni, hoofdletsel na te zijn aangereden door scooter

Amerikaans actrice. Onder meer te zien in Cocktail (Roger Donaldson, 1988) en Gone Girl (David Fincher, 2014). Filmdebuut tegenover Beau Bridges in The Hotel New Hampshire (Tony Richardson, 1984). Ook in bij voorbeeld Marie (Donaldson, 1985), een tv-versie van John Osbornes stuk Look Back in Anger (tegenover Malcolm McDowell; Lindsay Anderson, David Hugh Jones en Ted Craig, 1985), Young Guns (Christopher Cain, 1988), de miniseries Hemingway (als Martha Gelhorn; Bernhard Sinkel, 1988), Miami Rhapsody (als gynaecoloog; David Frankel, 1995), de korte film Lieberman in Love (Christine Lahti, 1995), Without Limits (Robert Towne, 1998), Dragonfly (Tom Shadyac, 2002), drie afleveringen van de serie Six Feet Under (2004), een gastrol in de serie Desperate Housewives (Larry Shaw, 2006), Freedom Writers (Richard LaGravenese, 2007), The Strongest Man (Kenny Riches, 2015), A Cure for Wellness (Gore Verbinski, 2016) en de korte film Six Women (top-billed; Teddy Schenck, 2017). Had ook succes in het theater. Getrouwd met journalist Kathryn Kranhold.

1 gedachte over “Lisa Banes”

  1. Dear Mr. Beerekamp,
    I just found your website and want to thank you for your article on Lisa Banes and also for featuring a link to our short film. I noticed you logged the film on Letterboxd and would love any helpful feedback you care to provide – however brief.

    This film was a challenge for me in that I was not able to move the camera for crew size and time reasons. Despite all this, I remain very proud of the film for Lisa’s performance and general atmosphere.

    Either way, I’m glad to have discovered your site and look forward to delving more deeply in (with the aid of translation).
    Best regards,
    Teddy Schenck


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