Philip Carey

83, VS, 6 februari, longkanker

Amerikaans film- en televisieacteur, eigenlijk Eugene Carey. Aanvankelijk onder contract bij Warner Bros. en vanaf 1953 Columbia. Veelal als stoïcijnse militair of revolverheld. Debuteerde tegenover John Wayne in Operation Pacific (George Waggner, 1951). Voorts onder meer I Was a Communist for the FBI (Gordon Douglas, 1951), The Tanks Are Coming (D. Ross Lederman en Lewis Seiler, 1951), This Woman Is Dangerous (Felix E. Feist, 1952), Springfield Rifle (André De Toth, 1952), Gun Fury (Raoul Walsh, 1953), tegenover Doris Day in Calamity Jane (David Butler, 1953), top-billed in The Nebraskan (Fred F. Sears, 1953), Wyoming Renegades (top-billed; Sears, 1954), They Rode West (Phil Karlson, 1954), Massacre Canyon (top-billed; Sears, 1954), The Outlaw Stallion (top-billed; Sears, 1954), Pushover (Richard Quine, 1954), The Long Gray Line (John Ford, 1955), Mister Roberts (Ford en Mervyn LeRoy, 1955), Count Three and Pray (George Sherman, 1955), Wicked As They Come (Ken Hughes, 1956), The Shadow on the Window (top-billed; William Asher, 1957), Return to Warbow (top-billed; Ray Nazarro, 1958), Screaming Mimi (Gerd Oswald, 1958), Black Gold (top-billed; Leslie H. Martinson, 1962), Dead Ringer (Paul Henreid, 1964), The Time Travelers (Ib Melchior, 1964), The Great Sioux Massacre (Sidney Salkow, 1965), The Seven Minutes (Russ Meyer, 1971), Fighting Mad (Jonathan Demme, 1976) en Monster (Kenneth Herts, 1979).

Zingend (in uniform) met Doris Day en Howard Keel in Calamity Jane

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